Friday, December 9, 2011


MONDAY, December 5th, 2011 Department of Research Business and Academic (SEISMIC) BEM Universitas Airlangga has visited the program about training research at Regional Economic Development Institute (REDI), a research institute in Surabaya. On that visitation, Department of SEISMIC has a chance to study about the world of research from the research team of REDI.

During on the spot, SEISMIC Team was accepted enthusiastic by the Director of REDI, Mr. Indra N. Fauzi and some of surveyors.

In that forum, we were explained about the history and development of REDI. “I built REDI with my friends since 2001 when Indonesia experienced an economic crisis. We thought that an economic research institute was needed. And that time, Surabaya didn't have an economic research college to solve the economic problems.”, said Mr. Indra N. Fauzi , Director of REDI and alumnus of FE Unair 1994.

got an explaination about the research method
from Mr. Indra N. Fauzi

Beside that, we shared about the experiences on collecting the datas. We also got the research knowledge like how to design the research, determine the population, sampling method, and make the questionnaire.

“Can you explain to us about the method to make a questionnaire?”, asked Yulia Eka Pratiwi, Deputy of Research and Business SEISMIC BEM Unair 2011.

“About the step of questionnaire making, we usually detailing research goals to be the topic reports. Then we appropriate that topic reports with our necessary to make data groups. The list of questions were made from the data groups.”, answered Mr. Indra N. Fauzi.

“whether the questionnaire can be directly distributed to the respondents?”, asked Wildan Noor Alfian, Deputy of Academic SEISMIC BEM Unair 2011.

“Of course did not. We always do trial and error our questionnaire early by pretest and posttest.”, answered Mr. Indra N. Fauzi.

“We need 10-20 respondents to trial and error our questionnaire.”, he continued.

From this visitation, SEISMIK BEM Unair 2011 got many of knowledges and advices about the research method. This is the good beginning as the skill for doing and repairing the next research. (*er)

The Ministry of SEISMIC,
Elga Renjana gave a handycraft to
The Director of REDI, Mr. Indra N. Fauzi


took a picture with team research of REDI

Thursday, October 27, 2011

AIE 2011




Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Proposal dan surat-surat fix

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Close Recruitment-tergantung Koord. Masing-masing sie

Selasa, 1 November 2011

Susunan panitia fix dan jadwal ujian panitia

Sabtu, 5 November 2011

Penyebaran Proposal, Humas mencari lembaga-lembaga pemberi beasiswa, menghubungi pembicara, sie Acara (Rundown, MC, dsb), Publikasi sudah siap (design banner, poster, dll)

Close Recruitment


Kebutuhan panitia







Perlengkapan dan Dekorasi


Publikasi dan Dokumentsi












Kepanitiaan AIE

Ketua panitia : Fahmi Azmi

Wakil Ketua : Alfian

Sekretaris : One Anidyawati

Bendahara : Sri Cahyaning Umi Salama

Co. Acara : Binti Inazatuz Z.

Co.Perlengkapan dan dekorasi: Royan, Ricardo

Co. Perijinan : Erfin Satriawan Setyo Nugroho

Co. Humas : Mutimmah

Co. Konsumsi : Masih Dicari!

Co. Publikasi & Dokumentasi: Huda, Ghani

Co. Kesekretariatan : Masih Dicari!

Co. Dana : Masih Dicari!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Panduan Mawapres S1

Salam Sukses teman-teman semua!

Pada posting kali ini, SEISMIK akan share tentang panduan sebuah ajang yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh kawan-kawan yang mumpuni dalam bidang akademik. Yup! Tentang Mahasiswa Berprestasi atau lebih sering kita menyebutnya sebagai Mawapres.

Langsung saja buat kawan-kawan yang ingin menjadi pengukir sejarah baru Mawapres 2011, silahkan download panduannya dibawah ini, tenang saja semuanya gratis:

Sekian dulu posting kali ini, semoga bermanfaat.

Kami tunggu kisah sukses kalian kawan-kawan.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Siap Menyambut PKM-GT dan AI

Panduan PKM terbaru

Ingin sharing dan diskusi tentang PKM GT dan AI
hubungi Call Center PKM

0856 347 4407 (Dion FEB)
0856 4603 9612 (Yulia FEB)
081 3591 69631 (Ridwan FKM)

selamat berkarya

Jadilah bagian dari pengukir sejarah Sukses UNAIR di PIMNAS XXIV
rebut Piala Adhikarta Kertawidya!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pengambilan Sertifikat Education Seminar (Airlangga International Education)

Diinformasikan kepada seluruh peserta Education Seminar rangkaian kegiatan Airlangga International Education tanggal 18 – 19 Desember kemarin, bahwa sertifikat kegiatan dapat diambil mulai hari ini, jum’at (21/01/2011).

di sekretariat BEM UNAIR Kampus B

mulai pukul 10.00 – 17.00 WIB

pengambilan dapat dilakukan secara kolektif dengan menunjukkan KTM atau tanda pengenal masing-masing orang yang bersangkutan.

dan proses pengambilan dapat dilakukan setiap hari dari senin - minggu.

further information : 085652253248 / 03183840503

-perfectio in spiritu-

Penerimaan Proposal PKM-AI dan PKM-GT tahun 2011

Batas waktu pengajuan usulan ke DIKTI selambat-lambatnya tanggal 10 Maret 2011 namun temen2 UNAIR dikumpulkan H-seminggu untuk proses screening di rektorat

selamat berkarya.

inforamasi DIKTI